Solar Cooker Project in Madagascar

20 January 2021

Around 90% of the Madagascan rainforest has already been destroyed


Madagascar is a nature paradise with a rich culture of music, however it is also one of the world's less developed countries. 


Poverty and poor infrastructure directly effects women and children: maternal mortality rate is one of the highest of the world and only two thirds of the Madagascan children attend school.

Corruption slows down the resumption of development assistances, that were stopped because of a government revolt in 2009. 

In 2013 Madagascar already lost forest areas in a size of three times the area of La Palma.

Deforestation progresses rapidly on the former green island Madagascar — providing and distributing climate-friendly solar cooker is an effective action to bring this process to a halt. 


myclimate supports the Swiss-Madagascan organisation ADES (Association pour le Développement de l'Energie Solaire), which since 2002 produces solar cookers in Madagascan workshops and sell them at a reduced price to households on the island.


The cost and time efficient use of solar cookers goes along with reducing CO2 emissions (saving 50% charcoal and firewood) as well as combating deforestation on the island 

Clean burning and less smoke pollution when applying solar cookers especially benefits women and children. Moreover, there is no need to struggle with collecting firewood or carry charcoal.

Thanks to the support of myclimate this project can be extended over the entire island


Besides of generating jobs in production, sales and consultations, for each sold cooker ADES donates two seedlings for reforestation.

Project achievements till now:

  • 967.000 people (mainly women and children) benefit from better air quality and must spend less time with collecting firewood.
  • 164.000 cookers were produced and sold until now.
  • 135 permanent jobs were generated (25% women).
  • 9 centres were established, distributed over the island.
  • During 631 school attendances the awareness of 73.000 students were increased for climate protection and clean cooking.
  • 9 different cooking models are produced locally, which saves about 2,6 t CO2 emissions and 2 t firewood or 0,6 t charcoal each year.
  • 1.272.000 tons wood were saved.


Photos: myclimate / ADES

Traditional Madagascan Food prepared on modern Solar Cookers


Food is traditionally prepared on an open three stone fire, whose carbon black is hazardous to health. The extensive burn of firewood provoked a massive deforestation on the former green island.


All solar cookers and efficient cooker models are adapted to prepare traditional Madagascan food like rice, corn, manioc, meat soup, chicken and cake.


The project includes production and subsidising of 10 different cookers.

Different models for Cooking, Baking, Drying and Sterilizing


The solar cooker „Cooking Box“ reaches temperatures up to 150°C and can be used for cooking, baking, dehydrating as well as sterilization.


Different cooker models are produced. The efficient cookers show a simple metal construction with  a clay core, used as a combustion chamber as well as for isolation purposes.


For each sold cooker ADES finances two tree seedlings, contributing the reforestation project of the Madagascan NGO Vozama.



Women carry the local parted-off clay from the rice field up to the production building.


Clay is used to preform and finish pottery of combustion chambers for the efficient cooker models.


Inside the two huge pottery kilns, in which 600 combustion chambers can be piled up, clay insets are burned for 8-10 hours.

Project Monitoring


In another ADES workshop the manufactured green metal cases are now filled with the combustion chamber and afterwards are distributed to different ADES centres for selling.


Monitoring: Andriamifidy Razafi-manarantsoa, responsible CO2-worker of ADES, visits several hundreds of households every year and asks people for their cooking practices and experiences with solar and efficient cookers.


Measuring firewood consumption: Test persons are provided with weighted wood, which they must use to fire for 3-days. After that, the exact weight of wood they used for cooking is calculated.

Increasing Awareness of Climate-Protection


The parabolic cooker can be used for cooking, baking, grilling and frying, but also to boil down drinking water and sterilize medical instruments. Children are taught the advantages of the cooker.


During classes the students' awareness of climate protection and climate-friendly, clean cooking is increased.


myclimate supports the project via the CO2-meachanism, allowing the project activities to continue expanding and distribute all over the island.

Photos: myclimate / ADES

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