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We're available from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- with pool 91
- on the seaside 47
- with internet 211
Northwest >>
- Aguatavar 7
- Arecida 6
- El Castillo 1
- Garafía 4
- Las Tricias 7
- Puntagorda 42
- Tijarafe 22
- Tijarafe Costa 6
- Tijarafe El Jesús 12
- Tijarafe La Punta 21
- Tinizara 2
Aridane Valley >>
- Celta 7
- Charco Verde 3
- El Paso 22
- Hermosilla 1
- La Bombilla 2
- La Laguna 11
- Las Manchas 24
- Las Norias 11
- Los Llanos de Aridane 25
- Puerto de Naos 44
- San Nicolas 8
- Tacande 2
- Tajuya 9
- Tazacorte Costa 5
- Tazacorte Puerto 14
- Tazacorte Villa 23
- Todoque 12
South >>
- Fuencaliente 7
- Las Indias 4
- Lomo Oscuro 1
- Los Quemados 6
- Salemera 2
- Tigalate 2
- Villa de Mazo 9
- East >> 16
Northeast >>
- Barlovento 2
- Los Sauces 1
- Puntallana 1
Christmas and Turn of the Year on La Palma
Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo

Pre-Christmas Season on the green Canary Island initiates later than in Germany, since the celebration of love continues until January.
Brightly blinking strings of lights are uncommon. Stars and bells are used for Christmas light decoration on the street and sparkle together with yellow-orange lanterns.

Thus, as if prescribed by a special law, the nighty sky remains "unpolluted".

Not only is this a benefit for the Astrophysical Institut, located on the highest mountain of the island, the Roque de los Muchachos.
From many places millions and millions of stars and shooting stars can be observed.
By day poinsettias add a vibrant red colour
In town centers as well as in public and private gardens you find countless „flores de pascua“ to admire — some form shrubs, that grow up to 2 meters.

Christmas cribs play a major role for the Palmeros.

Designed with love, young and old folks together recreate the nativity scene. During their week-long handicraft they model entire parts of the island using cardboard paper mache, paints and many natural materials.
Whether Opuntias, almond trees, cattle or farmers - everything is included. and of course also the Three Wise Men, who carry their presents to the crib.
We highly recommend to come and see those works of art in Los Llanos (next to the town hall), Tazacorte and Santa Cruz.

However, also in the villages you find nice specimen.
In Puntallana for example it is a common practice to present a living crib.
Regarding Christmas treats supermarkets meanwhile also offer ginger bread and Christmas Stollen.
Two of the traditional Palmerian holiday delicacies are „mantecados“ (fried pastry) and „polverones“.

It sounds like powder and indeed gently crumbles. Cinnamon, citron and anise add a typical flavour. Simply give it a try! This pastry is also available in single pieces.
Very popular treats are „turrones“.
However, those sweets come from the Spanish mainland and are made of almonds, honey, sugar and egg. They are available as „blando“ (soft) or „duro“ (hard - only for strong teeth).
In the towns and villages Christmas concerts take place.
Dominated by Canary melodies, music ensembles called „rondallas“, walk through the streets and spread joyful anticipation.

„Noche buena“, the Holy Night, is usually celebrated within the family circle, but also together with good friends sharing an ample dinner.
Afterwards, the Palmeros attend the Christmas mass. Each community includes its own characteristics, like they play for example Canary music with castanets or present „el baile del pastor“ (the shepherd's dance).
The colourful decorated Christmas tree doesn't shed its needles, as it is usually made of plastic and reused for many years. On January 6th, traditionally the three Kings take care of the gifts.
For some years already, Santa Claus makes also a side trip to the beautiful island with its pleasant climate and in some families additionally there are small presents for children already on December 24th.
December 25th is the only Christmas Holiday and many restaurants are closed. Everyday life continues on December 26th.
On New Year's Eve Grapes catch your eyes and are offered in stores and supermarkets

They are part of the tradition, since at the turn of the year for every of the twelve strokes of clock one lucky charm-grape is eaten.
A good dinner is served before - at home or in a restaurant. Festively dressed the Palmeros afterwards visit the Plazas on Los Llanos or Santa Cruz, where they celebrate with live music well into the first day of the new year.
Los Reyes
Children's excitement grows with every following day.

Impatiently they await the Three Kings and their gifts. In their cribs the „reyes magos“ move closer to the Christ Child.
On January 5th, the joyfully excited smaller ones are allowed to personally deliver their wish lists to the Three Wise Men.
Those come to each larger town and even to smaller villages where they are given a magic key to open the doors to all houses. In many churches a nativity play is performed.
During Christmas parades, called „Cabalgata de Reyes“. the Three Kings often ride on a cart in order for their camels to have a rest. They are escorted by fairy tail and Disney characters and generously throw candies into the crowd.
Back home, children prepare water and grass for the camels as well as milk and cookies for the „Reyes“.
Time to Give and Take
Finally, on January 6th, gifts are ready and sometimes laid out under a fir tree.
Children beam with joy. Christmas songs resound through loudspeakers, over squares and streets and visits are paid to each other. Gifts also wait in the houses of grandparents, aunts and other family members and friends.
There is heavy traffic on the streets and restaurants are very well frequented. Time goes by in a flash and if you spend the days between December 26th and January 6th on La Palma, you can celebrate Christmas one more time.
The entire La Palma.Travel-Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Vorfreude -aber erst ab 13 Jänner ...